Eat your way into remission with the first ever

Women’s Functional AIP®

A live group medical program
with Dr. Laura Paris,
autoimmune and inflammation expert

Calling all women who want to put an end to inflammation…

  • Are you suffering from chronic inflammation that just won’t quit? Think brain fog, aches & pains, food sensitivities, weight gain, bloating, period cramps, allergies, headaches, and more…
  • Have you been diagnosed with a condition that you know is driven by inflammation? Like autoimmunity, high cholesterol, prediabetes, osteoarthritis, cancer, and more…
  • Do you suspect that an anti-inflammatory diet could make a difference, and you’re motivated to try one, but you’re confused about what this actually means?

If so, the Women’s Functional AIP® is designed for you!

Imagine a life where you feel …

  • Free from aches, pains, fatigue, and fog
  • Energetic, clear, and emotionally balanced
  • Present for your life and confident in your body

This is how it feels to break free from inflammation, and you can do this with every bite you eat!

Can you really eat your way out of inflammation?

What is the Women’s Functional AIP®?

It’s an 8-week live group medical program to help women nix inflammation and reverse autoimmunity with a personalized anti-inflammatory eating style.


Therapeutic healing diets can be supportive and fun when they are free from the patriarchal diet culture. Laura uses mindfulness, feminism, and intuitive eating to artfully navigate the treacherous terrain of body image, diets, and food restrictions. In this safe space for women, we emphasize health and empowerment instead of weight and looks. In addition, for women: Laura is a hormone balance specialist and finds that anti-inflammatory eating balances your hormones more than any other intervention! We will freely talk about hormones & menstrual cycles here.


Laura uses her Functional Medicine expertise to personalize this program for each participant, within a group medical context. This means that your program will be unique, yet you can also learn from your cohort’s experience. You’ll learn the principles behind anti-inflammatory eating and how to apply them to your situation. You’ll understand the different types of food reactions, explore ways to improve your gut health, and discover the key nutrients your immune system requires to regulate inflammation. Go and


AIP classically means AutoImmune Protocol. Laura is a certified AIP coach with 25 years of clinical nutrition expertise. However, she thinks the classic AIP is too restrictive for most women, as it limits too many foods for too long. And it can cause food phobia, social isolation, and disordered eating. She finds that women can de-inflame and go into remission with a shorter, gentler, and more inclusive approach, which is what she teaches here. Laura broadens AIP to mean Anti-Inflammatory Protocol, which benefits women with autoimmunity and all types of chronic inflammation.

What will you DO in this program?

  • Participate in four 60-minute group medical sessions with Laura for learning, discussion, and lab reviews
  • Embark on a personalized elimination diet for 10 to 21 days (yup, not 30 days or more – this is rarely needed)
  • Receive detailed guidance as you reintroduce foods and tune in to your response
  • Join the group chat for daily questions and support from peers and Laura
  • OPTIONAL: Order labs to assess food sensitivities or immune nutrients, and get Laura’s input

What will you LEARN in this program?

  • What anti-inflammatory eating actually means, especially in the context of autoimmune
  • How to differentiate between allergy, sensitivity, and intolerance, as well as systemic reactions vs gut reactions
  • Which foods to subtract during your personalized elimination diet, and why
  • How to lower inflammation with foods that enhance beneficial gut bacteria, optimize essential fatty acids, and increase antioxidants

What will you GAIN from this program?

  • Finally understand what an anti-inflammatory diet means, for YOU!
  • Feel the effects of eating a whole-food Paleo-inspired diet and take a break from habitual foods that don’t serve you
  • Lose the bloat, fog, and puffiness from inflammation and enjoy feeling lighter, clearer, and more energetic
  • Feel confident moving forward in your ability to tune in and assess the effect that different foods have on YOUR system



Why is this Functional AIP® program extra special?

Do you find it difficult to make transformative dietary changes from a book, all by yourself? Are you bored when you watch pre-recorded courses and end up not finishing them? Are you tired of one-size-fits-all dogmatic diet rules that don’t feel right for YOU? If so, you’re not alone!

We offer a different experience

  • No boring pre-recorded lectures. This is 100% live, in real-time, where you can interact and get your questions answered.
  • This is not a cookie-cutter approach from a book! This is creatively tailored to YOU, and we keep it small so that you get what you need.
  • Your teacher and practitioner in this program is dedicated to sharing her knowledge and making it accessible.
  • It’s far more effective, and fun, to learn experientially in a group format!


  • Four 60-minute live group medical sessions on Zoom include education and discussion, all sessions recorded for replay
  • Ability to use HSA for payment, and superbills included for potential insurance reimbursement
  • Experiential education on how to eat to reduce chronic inflammation and reverse autoimmune conditions
  • Personalized elimination diet to follow in real-time, for between 10 to 21 days
  • Personalized guidance on reintroducing foods to expand, identify, and create your best anti-inflammatory eating style
  • Access to chat group (private platform, not social media) for peer interaction and support, and coaching directly from Laura
  • Ability to order Functional labs to assess food sensitivities or immune nutrients, with Laura’s analysis and recommendations

The Details


  • $345 by Venmo, cash, or check before September 30, and $395 thereafter
  • Add 4% to use a credit card or HSA card
  • Superbills available for potential insurance reimbursement


  • 8-week program from September 12 to November 7, 2023
  • All group medical visits take place on Zoom and are recorded for rewatching
  • Visit #1: Tuesday, September 12, 5:30-6:30 pm PST
  • Visit #2: Thursday, September 28, 5:30-6:30 pm PST
  • Visit #3: Tuesday, October 10, 5:30-6:30 pm PST
  • Visit #4: Thursday, October 26, 5:30-6:30 pm PST


About Laura Paris

Dr. Laura Paris, DACM, is a Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine and is certified as a Functional Medicine Practitioner, Nutrition Consultant, and AIP Coach. She specializes in women’s hormone, gut, and immune health in her clinical practice in Monterey, Capitola, and via telehealth.

Laura has long been an advocate of “Paleo-inspired” ancestral food and nutrition. She completed the first Adapt Functional Medicine Practitioner training taught by Chris Kresser in 2016, which emphasizes this nutritional approach. Later she became certified by the Institute for Functional Medicine.

Laura first used nutrition to squash her aggressive RA into remission in 1999. As a mother, she used it again to successfully address her son’s thyroid autoantibodies. Read more about Laura here.

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