How to Prevent Allergies Naturally and Feel Like Yourself Again
Do you have a love-hate relationship with spring?
If you’re here searching for how to prevent allergies naturally, you probably know exactly what I mean. Spring brings vibrant blooms, lush greenery, and a lively, renewing energy. But if you suffer from seasonal allergies, there’s another aspect to this season that’s hard to ignore: pollen and all the misery it brings — sneezing, watery eyes, a foggy head, and stuffy nose.
If you’re dreading the next allergy season, don’t worry! I’m here to share insights and practical tips to help you prevent symptoms naturally and feel more like yourself again.

The Role of Wind in Traditional Chinese Medicine
According to TCM, a primary factor in allergies is “wind,” which is seen as a disruptive, pathogenic force. When this wind enters the body, it can lead to itching, sneezing, and congestion.
To combat this, in TCM, we often recommend a formula known as Jade Windscreen (Yu Ping Feng San). This herbal blend, featuring the powerful herb astragalus, is believed to help shield the body from the effects of wind by strengthening immunity and reducing inflammation. Taking Jade Windscreen can lessen allergy symptoms and support a balanced immune response.
If there’s a way to prevent allergies naturally, why not try it?
Functional Immunology and Allergy Prevention
Functional immunology offers another perspective on allergies, focusing on the immune system’s Th2 cells, which we call the “overprotector” cells, in our article on T-cell regulation. When Th2 cells overreact, they release cytokines that perpetuate an allergic response, creating a cycle of inflammation and discomfort. In functional medicine, we view this as a Th2 dominant immune response, and we address it with nutrients and herbs that calm the overreactive Th2 response.
Interestingly, astragalus — the same herb used in TCM — is also a natural remedy in functional immunology. It can regulate immune activity, helping to prevent allergies before they start. Paired with perilla, another powerful herb for immunity, astragalus offers a way to support your system naturally through the allergy season.
We also use the nutrients NAC (n-acetylcysteine) and quercetin to calm the Th2 response. We often choose a supplement called Th2 Modulator, which has astragalus, perilla, NAC, and quercetin together.
Lastly, we use the nasal spray XLear for prevention. This saline spray has xylitol, and two pumps in each nostril provide a barrier so allergens can’t stick around in nasal passageways.
Remember, these herbs and nutrients are most effective as preventive measures, so start incorporating them well before symptoms set in!
When Allergies Are in Full Swing: Symptom Management
If you find yourself dealing with full-blown allergies despite your preventive efforts, there are additional strategies that can help you manage symptoms more effectively.
First, increase the frequency of your preventive measures. For instance, try using XLear nasal spray more often throughout the day — especially in the morning and before bed — to keep allergens from settling in your nasal passages.
We also recommend a “loading dose” of quercetin: two capsules, three times daily, for two weeks. Quercetin stabilizes mast cells, the cells responsible for releasing histamine during an allergic response. Pairing quercetin with vitamin C, bromelain, or nettles can further support mast cell stability and help reduce histamine release. Look for combination products like D-Hist.
Finally, consider the Chinese herbal formula Bi Yan Pian, renowned for its effectiveness in alleviating nasal allergy symptoms. This formula can be particularly helpful for symptoms like a runny or stuffy nose and postnasal drip, providing quick, natural relief when allergies are at their worst.
Allergy Prevention and Treatment Summary
For Prevention:
- Take Jade Windscreen before the season, or takeTh2 Modulator
- Use Xlear nasal spray once a day
For Treatment When Allergies are Fullblown:
- Increase the dose of Jade Windscreen or Th2 Modulator
- Add higher doses of quercetin (can be paired with bromelain or nettles, as in D-Hist)–three times a day
- Use XLear nasal spray several times throughout the day
- Add vitamin C, 1000-3000 mg per day
- Use Bi Yan Pian if there’s nasal congestion, runniness, or post-nasal drip in your throat
We’ve compiled all the products mentioned in my Allergy Prevention and Treatment Plan. You can shop for products from this plan here with a 15% discount:
If you’d like personal help creating a customized allergy prevention and treatment plan, please reach out! This is especially important for those who are immunocompromised, including women with autoimmune conditions.

Dr. Laura Paris is a women’s health specialist who provides Acupuncture and Functional Medicine care at her two clinics in Capitola and Monterey, California. She also works with women remotely in the United States through telehealth appointments. Learn more about Laura here, and message her directly here.